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Classroom Discipline

In order to provide my students with the excellent educational climate they deserve, I have developed the  following Classroom Discipline Plan.
  • Students will begin each day with a green light representing appropriate behavior. If for any reason they should choose not to follow directions, they will then receive a yellow light representing unsatisfactory behavior. Students whose behavior needs improvement for the day will receive a red light
  • I will be using my stop light as a reward system for the end of each week. A student will need a green light at the end of our day to receive a green mark. A total of 4 green marks at the end of the week will be celebrated by a trip to the treasure chest. 
  • In order for this plan to be successful, I will need your cooperation. The binder will come home daily for you to discuss your child's behavior with him or her. By following these simple guidelines, we will be teaching your child how to make the right choices. 
1-Follow directions quickly.
2-Raise your hand for permission to speak.
3-Raise your hand for permission to get out of your seat.
4-Keep hands and feet to yourself.
5-Make smart choices.

Classroom Rules

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